Get list of attributes

GET /api/rest/v1/retailer/attributes

This endpoint allows you to get a list of attributes. Attributes are paginated and sorted by code.


  • Return attributes paginated

  • Authentication required

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer

      HTTP status code

    • message string

      Message explaining the error

  • Access forbidden

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer

      HTTP status code

    • message string

      Message explaining the error

  • Not Acceptable

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer

      HTTP status code

    • message string

      Message explaining the error

GET /api/rest/v1/retailer/attributes
curl \
Response examples (200)
    "code": "color",
    "type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect",
    "available_locales": [
    "labels": {
      "en_US": "Color",
      "nl_NL": "Kleur"
    "code": "image_1",
    "type": "pim_catalog_image",
    "labels": {
      "en_US": "Image 1",
      "nl_NL": "Afbeelding 1"
    "code": "image_2",
    "type": "pim_catalog_image",
    "labels": {
      "en_US": "Image 2",
      "nl_NL": "Afbeelding 2"
Response examples (401)
"Authentication is required"
Response examples (401)
  "code": 42,
  "message": "string"
Response examples (403)
"Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."
Response examples (403)
  "code": 42,
  "message": "string"
Response examples (406)
"‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."
Response examples (406)
  "code": 42,
  "message": "string"